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Centre for Law, Medicine and Life Sciences

Faculty of Law

Many Covid-19 intensive care guidelines fail to protect patients’ legal rights, according to an LML research team. An explanation of their view has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Medical Ethics.  

 ‘Who Gets the Ventilator? Important Legal Rights in the Covid-19 Pandemic’, was co-authored by Dr Kathy Liddell (LML Director), Dr Jeffrey Skopek (LML Deputy Director), Dr Stephanie Palmer, Dr Stevie Martin, Ms Jennifer Anderson, and Mr Andrew Sagar. The paper identifies 10 ways in which the withholding or withdrawal of a clinically indicated ventilator might violate a patient’s rights; and provides recommendations on how to avoid doing so. The analysis is based on UK law, but its lessons are relevant for other countries with similar legal systems. If the issues identified are not addressed, doctors may act unlawfully. Worse, patients may die unlawfully. 

The article, which was the subject of a University of Cambrdge press release, is available here. It follows a JME blog post by the same LML research group, published earlier this month.