The challenge of population health lies in developing comprehensive, equitable, and sustainable approaches to improve the health of entire populations, while recognizing the unique characteristics and needs of different communities and individuals within the population. Profound issues arise when socio-economic inequalities affect health outcomes in some but not other sections of the population. For instance, health outcomes are often very different for ethnic minorities, and people in the Global South. Challenging questions also arise regarding the design of legal and ethical frameworks to prepare for pandemics and reduce the threats from antimicrobial resistance.
Examples of LML research in this field can be found below:
Pandemic preparedness
I Weldon, K Liddell et al., ‘A Pandemic Instrument Can Start Turning Collective Problems into Collective Solutions by Governing the Common-Pool Resource of Antimicrobial Effectiveness’ (2022) 50(2) Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 17-25.
S Palmer and S Martin, “Public Health Emergencies and Human Rights: Problematic Jurisprudence Arising from the COVID-19 Pandemic” (2020) European Human Rights Law review (forthcoming September 2020).
I Weldon… K Liddell et al., ‘Governing Global Antimicrobial resistance: 6 Key Lessons From the Paris Climate Agreement’ (2022) 112(4) American Journal of Public Health 553.
T Minssen et al. (including K Liddell), “Social, cultural and economic aspects of antimicrobial resistance” (2020) 98 Bulletin of the World Health Organisation 823.