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Centre for Law, Medicine and Life Sciences

Faculty of Law
LML welcomes Professor Yuji Shiroshita as a Visiting Research  Scholar

Professor Shiroshita is based at the Graduate School of Law, Hokkaido University, Japan. It is his second visit to the Law Faculty, and Wolfson college. Professor Shiroshita specialises in criminal and medical law. In the field of medical law, he is interested in the regulation of organ transplantation, particularly transplantation of organs from living donors. 

During his visit, Professor Shiroshita intends to investigate:

  1. comparative regulatory frameworks for living organ transplants, with a particular focus on the UK and Japan;
  2. the legal, moral and social significance of relatives’ refusal / consent to organ donation; 
  3. the transplantation of sub-optimal and marginal organs as a response to organ shortage (e.g., organs from elderly donors, or donors with a medical history of diabetes, hypertension, obesity, malignancy, renal cysts, or potentially transmissible diseases). 

Professor Shiroshita’s interests complement recent research by Dr Matt Dyson, of the LML, and a Lancet Commentary co-authored by an interdisciplinary Cambridge cluster.