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Centre for Law, Medicine and Life Sciences

Faculty of Law

Following on from the 2013 International Conference on the Legal Status of Transsexual and Transgender Persons, and the recent publication by Intersentia of  The Legal Status of Transsexual and Transgender Persons (edited by Dr Jens Scherpe) – which was referred to by Lord Wilson in recent proceedings before the UK Supreme Court [see linked footage at approximately 29:40] – the Cambridge Family Law Centre will be hosting a workshop on 'The Legal Status of Intersex Persons' on 21-22 July 2016.

Several jurisdictions now allow for persons to be registered as neither male nor female, and participants at the workshop, organised jointly by Prof. Anatol Dutta (Regensburg), Prof. Tobias Helms (Marburg) and Dr Jens Scherpe (Cambridge), will present on and discuss the current laws from various jurisdictions, their obvious shortcomings and which next reform steps need to be taken.

Also, papers will be presented on the legal history of intersex, the international human rights perspectives as well as medical and theological views on intersex as well as.

Attendance at the workshop is by invitation only.

Thursday, 21 July, 2016 - 09:00 to Friday, 22 July, 2016 - 17:00